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Losing It

Losing It
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Cindy and I had known each other most of our lives. I was a couple of years older but my sister and she were the same age and lifelong friends. I watched her grow from a bratty little kid into a cute pre-teen and then to a shy pretty teenager.

Shortly after her eighteenth birthday, she was spending the night with my sis while our parents were out of town. I came home around midnight to find them both drunk and having a ball. I certainly didn’t care that they were drinking but I stayed close to make sure they didn’t get into trouble. When my sister got sick, Cindy true friend that she was held her hair while she heaved over and over. I then helped her to her bedroom and left as Cindy somehow got her to bed. I was surprised when Cindy then came back down to join me. I could tell she was very drunk as I watched her weave down the hall to the front room.

She sat next to me and was rambling on about what she and my sister were talking about but I couldn’t make it out. I turned down the TV so I could hear what she was saying and then she stopped mid sentence,

“So Brad what do you think, would you do it for me?”

I still didn’t know what she was talking about and told her so.

“Brad, I said I hate it that I’m eighteen and I’m still a virgin so I was wondering if you could fix that for me?”

I leaned over, kissed her cheek, and then still close to her I said,

“Believe me, I would love to help you with that but not tonight, not when you’re drunk. Tomorrow you might hate me and I just wouldn’t want that. Cindy you come back and talk to me when you’re sober and if you still want me to do it I’d love to.”

“Ah you’re so sweet, that’s why I want you to do it to me Brad.”

She put her head on my shoulder and promptly fell asleep. I went and got a pillow and blanket for her, then covered her up before I went to bed myself. I lay there cussing myself for turning down the chance to be with her. I knew I’d blown my one chance but I just couldn’t take advantage of her, damn what a nerd I was.

The next morning when I got up Cindy was still asleep on the couch and I was sure my sis was asleep either in bed or curled up around the toilet. I grabbed a quick breakfast and split for the day. I knew they both be hung over and I didn’t want to be around them to hear their suffering.

The next Monday I was at the supermarket where I work as a box boy slash delivery boy when I saw Cindy walk in to the store. I told her she looked in much better shape than the last time I’d seen her and she replied she felt a lot better as well. I said it was time for my break and asked if she wanted a soda. We went to the tables outside the store and sat as we drank our drinks.

“Look Brad I’m sorry we were such pills the other night.”

I told her it was all right and I had done the same thing more than once.

“Remember what we talked about the other night?”

“Are you kidding that’s all I’ve thought about.”

“Aw, you’re so sweet for saying that, I was serious Brad I really want you to do this for me.”

“Cindy there is no need for you to rush in to this, and there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. Why don’t you think about it for a while…”

“No, Brad I’m not waiting any longer. I was saving myself for Jimmy and he went and did it with that slut Susan, so I’m not saving myself any longer. And believe me Jimmy will never get it from me.”

“OK, OK calm down, I’d be more than happy to do it for you, in fact it would be an honor. I don’t want to rush in to it, we need to plan ahead and make it nice for you.”

We made a date for Saturday and I reminded her again that if she wanted to change her mind I would understand.

Saturday we met at my work, as we didn’t want our families to know we were planning to be together. I had a friend who said I could use his place while he was away working out of the city. Cindy walked up to my car and she didn’t seem the least bit nervous as she hopped in. She leaned over and kissed me on the cheek with a smile she said she was ready. Once at my friend’s house I stopped her at the door, I held her at arm’s length and as I started to speak, she stopped me,

“Brad I’m telling you I’m ready for this, don’t worry I’ll be fine.”

“Cindy that’s not what I was going to say, well it’s just you should know, I’m still a virgin too.”

“Oh Brad that is so cool, we can do each other.”

I kissed her as I put my arms around her waist while hers were around my neck.

We went into the bedroom and I thought the reality would now finally hit home but no she just ran over to the bed and flopped on it. She pulled off her shirt to expose her push up bra and then reached around herself to unsnap it. She took my hand and put it on her small boob and when I ran my finger over her nipple, it became erect at once. I then sat down so I could kiss her breasts. She ran her fingers through my hair as she told me it felt so good. The she pushed me away,

“Brad take off your pants, I want to see your thingy.”

I stood up and started taking my clothes off,

“Cindy it’s not called a thingy it’s called a dick or a cock.”

“Oh I know just hurry I want to see it. Ooh it’s already hard, can I touch it?”

She held my cock up close to get a good look and I told her to be careful or I would cum. That was something she wanted to see and she began to play with me until I spurted in her hand. She was so surprised and then disappointed when I began to grow soft. I told her not to worry I would get hard again.

She finished undressing and we lay beside each other as I kissed her breasts she became excited and so did I. I told her I had to put a condom on and of course, she wanted to watch. We were now both ready for our first time and as I entered her, what was to be just an occurrence of adult hood became a full-fledged sexual act of love. She had not thought of the pleasure of the act but only of the experience and soon she was panting and saying my name in a moan. As for me, I was already over the top and when I told her I was coming, she urged me on until I was finished.

As far as I know, Cindy never came that day and I was far too inexperienced to help her with it. She considered it a rite of passage and I thought it an act of love, yet we were both wrong. It was just sex between two people such as happens every day in every corner of the land. It didn’t change either of our lives but it didn’t harm us either and I know we were both glad we gave our virginity to each other. We never had sex again as her boy friend begged her to come back to him and I think now that she and I had been together she got even with him and therefore could accept him back. Whatever the reason we never did again and I was sorry for that.

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